Central Heating with Radiators
We know it’s been too hot to even think about heating your home! But it’s time to make sure you’re ready for winter – it can be our busiest time so we always suggest booking us early. If you are thinking of getting central heating installed, check out our post highlighting the pros and cons of different central heating systems. Today it’s all about radiators and what’s new with them.
We aren’t talking about those creaking, massive eyesores that you may have experienced in the old days.
We’re talking about sleek, beautiful and functional systems. We work with Central Heating NZ to install efficient heating systems for our clients and the current trends in radiators make them a great option.
Radiators are a form of radiant heat (aptly named too!) which means that the heat isn’t just in the air, it’s actually spreading through all parts of a room and even furniture items will warm up and hold heat.
Benefits of a Radiator Heating System
These systems are silent and consistent, producing a gentle heat that lasts longer than forced-air heating. The high efficiency of the system also makes it a good choice because you’ll be getting the most for your money in running costs. Having an automatic thermostat will keep it running effectively too.
You can even place your clothes rack near them when it’s raining outside and your clothes will dry much faster.
Radiator Placement
The strategy with radiators is to place them in the coolest part of the room. That way the source of the heat is in the coldest spot. We don’t advise placing large furniture or drapes in front of them. This will block the heat from naturally flowing throughout the room.
Ideally, every room in your house will have a radiator so that the best heat dispersion is reached. This even means hallways and landings so that the whole house is cosy and warm. In rooms that are extra-large, there will often be more than one radiator so that the system can be as effective as possible.
Using space under the bench in kitchens can be a great place for a radiator.
Radiator Style
Radiators come in many colours, shapes and sizes. They can be a more traditional coiled pipe, flat or even textured surfaces. They can run horizontal or vertical, with radiators running up a whole wall in large spaces.
Radiators come in all sorts of colours – you can keep them white to blend in with white walls or have them painted a contrasting colour to add interest. They come in metallic finishes as well.
So, start thinking about your heating early and talk to us about your options for central heating and radiators! You will thank us once the weather cools off!